We are also experiencing a turnaround. Sudden project cutbacks or even resource cuts. Savings are being made. In many corners and ends. Now everyone is looking out for themselves? Fear of survival? We are all trying to emerge from the crisis as strong as possible. Clients and contractors.
But what about our students and graduates who were about to embark on their careers? Our young talent. Talented people who will help us move forward. But what happens when young, motivated junior staff are denied access to working life due to recruitment freezes and cutbacks? Shouldn’t we be thinking about our future leaders right now and encouraging and challenging them to drive innovation?
We would like to make a small contribution to this and have taken Leon, a student in his sixth semester (Business Informatics) on board with us. Leon supports us as an intern and we support him. Internship = occupational therapy? No, thanks! What Leon does for us is anything but that.
Next week he’ll tell you exactly what that means!
digitalSee GmbH
Berliner Str. 52 E
38104 Braunschweig